Superpower List Wikia
Absurdity Personification
Ability To Serve as the supernatural embodiment of absurdity
Chance/Likelihood Very Rare

Also Known As[]

  • Absurdity Avatarism/Absurdity Embodiment/Absurdity Incarnation


This is the ability to physical, mentally and/or spiritually embody absurdity.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could be compelled to speak gibberish and/or perceive reality as distorted hallucination. In addition, one could psychically cause subjects to speak gibberish and/or perceive reality as distorted hallucination. Furthermore, one could psychically cause subjects to think irrational thoughts or make irrational decisions. One could also have a body that should not function, according to the normal laws of physics. One could even psychically warp reality, at will, or cause reality to warp by one's mere presence.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

