Superpower List Wikia
Environmental Adaptations-Superpower Superhuman Ability
Different environments require different traits to survive.
Ability To Have special physical and/or mental traits suited for certain environments or ecosystems
Chance/Likelihood Common

Also Known As[]

  • Adaptive Features/Adaptive Traits
  • Ecological Adaptation
  • Environmental Adaptation
  • Natural Adaptation


This is the ability to access certain physical and/or mental survival advantages beyond human norms.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could have external physical traits (ie appendages, skin patterns, facial traits) which aid survival in a given environment. In addition, one could have internal physical traits (ie organs, blood traits) which aid survival in a given environment. Furthermore, one could have mental traits (ie cognition, personality, habits) which aid survival in a given environment. One could also have supernatural traits (ie superhuman abilities) which aid survival in a given environment. One could even, in some cases, psychically develop necessary physical, mental, emotional or supernatural traits to survive the current environment.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Similar/Related Abilities[]

  • Reactive Adaptation- In most cases, Adaptations are static (ie Aerial, Aquatic, Terrene), but in some cases, new adaptations can be assumed (perhaps involuntarily), depending on the needs of surviving in a given environment.

Confirmed Users[]

