Superpower List Wikia
Alternative Respiration
Ability To Access a different mode of respiration than what is breathable for their species
Chance/Likelihood Rare

Also Known As[]

  • Alternate Breathing/Alternate Respiration
  • Alternative Breathing


This is the ability to access a different mode or medium of respiration than species norms.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could breathe the opposite of species norms (ie inhale CO₂, exhale air). In addition, one could have only inhalation that differs from species norms (ie inhale N, exhale CO₂). Furthermore, one could have only exhalation that differs from species norms (ie inhale air, exhale Cl₂). One could also breathe in a way entirely unrelated to species norms (ie inhale CO, exhale N₂O). One could even employ multiple types or respiration according to health status (ie age, emotion, habitat, power level), or forego respiration altogether.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

