Superpower List Wikia
Ability To Divine past, present and/or future insights by use of poisoned fowl
Chance/Likelihood Uncommon

Also Known As[]

  • Fowl Poisoning


This is the ability to divine supernatural insights via poisoned fowl.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could read poisoned fowl to divine events from the future, at will. In addition, one could read poisoned fowl to divine events from the past, at will. Furthermore, one could read poisoned fowl to divine events from distant/concealed locations, at will. One could also read poisoned fowl to divine the contents a subject's mind/heart/soul, at will. One could even read poisoned fowl to divine magical or spiritual/supernatural insights, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

A Benge practitioner must have a bird (typically a chicken), as well as a poison on hand. And of course, there must be a question in mind (a yes-no question, depending on the poisoned fowl's living or dying).

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

