Superhuman powers starting with the letter H.
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Hemokinesis -
Hyalokinesis -
Heliokinesis -
Hypnotic Beauty -
Hydrokinesis -
Heat Generation -
Headache Inducing -
All items (249)
- Halification
- Hallucination Inducing
- Hallucinogenic Voice
- Hand Manipulation
- Haruspicy
- Head Automatism
- Headache Inducing
- Healing
- Healing Substance Generation
- Heart Attack Inducing
- Heart Deceleration
- Heat Bolts
- Heat Form
- Heat Generation
- Heat Perception
- Heat Resistance
- Heat Vision
- Heliokinesis
- Hemokinesis
- Hereditary Intelligence
- Heroism Personification
- Hibernation
- Hidrokinesis
- Hippalectryon Form
- Hirudinal Communication
- History Personification
- Hive Mind
- Hobgoblin Form
- Holiday Personification
- Honey Form
- Honey Generation
- Honey Manipulation
- Hostility Inducing
- Hyalokinesis
- Hyanthropy
- Hydra Form
- Hydrokinesis
- Hyenanthropy
- Hyperbite
- Hyperbounce
- Hyperdigging
- Hyperelasticity
- Hyperinflation
- Hyperjump
- Hypertrophy Inducing