Pertaining to the mind.
All items (5056)
- Angry Form
- Animal Communication
- Animal Mimicry
- Animal Mind
- Animation
- Aniothability
- Annelid Communication
- Anthokinesis
- Anthomancy
- Anthracokinesis
- Anthropomorphization
- Antimatter Generation
- Apathy
- Ape Form
- Apian Communication
- Appearance Alteration
- Aquatic Adaptation
- Aquatic Communication
- Aqueous Form
- Arachnid Communication
- Arachnomancy
- Archaeomancy
- Arctic Adaptation
- Argyrokinesis
- Arthropod Communication
- Artistry Animation
- Asphyxiation
- Assembly
- Astrakinesis
- Astral Blast
- Astral Energy Generation
- Astral Eviction
- Astral Form
- Astral Perception
- Astral Projection
- Astral Rays
- Astrology
- Atmidokinesis
- Atmokinesis
- Attraction Inducing
- Aura Absorption
- Aura Manipulation
- Aura Perception
- Aura Transfer
- Aurification
- Autokinesis
- Avatarism
- Avian Communication
- Avian Form