Superhuman powers starting with the letter P.
All items (422)
- Plant Generation
- Plant Growth
- Plasma Generation
- Plasma Manipulation
- Plastic Manipulation
- Pleasure Inducing
- Pneumakinesis
- Poetry Personification
- Poison Absorption
- Pollen Generation
- Porcelain Manipulation
- Porcine Communication
- Portal Access
- Portal Generation
- Portal Manipulation
- Possibility Manipulation
- Postcognition
- Power Absorption
- Power Bestowal
- Power Boosting
- Power Manipulation
- Power Mimicry
- Power Negation
- Power Perception
- Power Proxying
- Prank Affinity
- Precognition
- Precognitive Blast
- Precognitive Dreaming
- Prehensile Tongue
- Prehensile Trunk
- Pressure Manipulation
- Pressure Suppression
- Projectile Quills
- Property Manipulation
- Property Summoning
- Psammokinesis
- Psychic Absorption
- Psychic Aptitude
- Psychic Blast
- Psychic Map
- Psychic Navigation
- Psychic Persuasion
- Psychic Puppet Strings
- Psychic Reservoir
- Psychic Rumor
- Psychic Strategy
- Psychic Tracking