Superpower List Wikia
Wonder 1667544986009
Ability To Speak with a voice that channels deathly power
Chance/Likelihood Very Rare

Also Known As[]

  • Death's Voice


This is the psychic ability to channel deathly power through one's voice.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability can speak with the voices of dead subjects, at will. In addition, one can psychically channel the last words a subject will speak (or has spoken) prior to death, at will. Furthermore, one could psychically perceive and communicate a universal language the dead can understand, at will. One could also psychically compel the spirits of the dead (or the undead) by that same universal language of the dead, at will. One could even, in some cases, psychically erode the life-force of a subject by speaking, or compel death, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

