Superpower List Wikia
Mental Manipulation
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Rene (The Haitian) works as a fixer for the mysterious 'Primatech Paper Company'...


Ability To Psychically manipulate subjects' minds
Chance/Likelihood Rare

Also Known As[]

  • Brain Washing/Brain-Washing/Brainwashing
  • Compelling/Compulsion
  • Mental Control/Mental Domination
  • Mind Control/Mind Manipulation
  • Mind Bending/Mind-Bending/Mindbending


This is the ability to psychically manipulate mental processes and phenomena.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could psychically manipulate a subject's knowledge and cognition, at will. In addition, one could psychically manipulate a subject's perception and memory, at will. Furthermore, one could psychically manipulate a subject's emotions/mental health, at will. One could also psychically manipulate personality and behavior, at will. One could even psychically manipulate mental access to superhuman abilities, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

