Superpower List Wikia
Ability To Have or psychically assume the form of a vampire
Chance/Likelihood Common

Also Known As[]

  • Vampire Form/Vampire Mimicry
  • Vampiric Form/Vampiric Mimicry


This is the ability to have or psychically assume the form of a vampire.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could have or psychically assume a powerful set of fangs, and/or perhaps claws. In addition, one could access an enhanced physique, as well as superhuman traits (strength, durability, metabolism, senses, reflexes, agility, accuracy, dexterity and awareness). Furthermore, one could psychically alter the body to assume a new form (ie bat, wolf, mist), as well as to facilitate an extensive, accelerated healing factor and an indefinitely extended lifespan. One could also psychically access one of numerous mind-interfacing abilities, at will. One could even transmit this supernatural ability by a bite or the like, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Though other types of vampires exist, the most common sort is borne of supernatural circumstances. Commonly, humans bitten by vampires are, themselves, changed into vampires (if not killed during the course of the vampire's feeding). Though, some can be changed into vampires by the working of magic, or the worship of demonic powers. A vampire can also convert subject into fellow vampires by feeding the subjects their blood. Some cases also exist wherein a subject can turn into a vampire after receiving an improper burial (ie being unbaptized at the time of burial) or perhaps rejecting their church (it is unknown whether this refers to a specific church, or organized religion generally). Even an animal (most commonly a cat or a dog) passing over the grave of a given subject has potential to raise that subject from the dead as a vampire.

True enough, being changed into a vampire does come with a number of formidable physical and mental enhancements, but these are accompanied by a variety of specific weaknesses. Foremost, vampires are commonly beset with an aversion to sunlight, which may range from merely being weaker or de-powered, to physical pain, to literally bursting into flame.

Vampires also often have a weakness against holy symbols. Commonly, this specifically refers to Judeo-Christian artifacts (ie crosses, holy water, silver), but some may be generally repelled (perhaps physically pained and/or wounded) by religious symbols, while others have no problem with such harmful effects. From this, some speculate that the vampiric faith aversion depends, at least partly, on whether the vampire either believes in, or has a respect for religious faith tradition. Perhaps related to this is the fact that vampires are required to gain permission before they can enter a home residence.

Interestingly, vampires also display a number of elemental weaknesses. Often, vampires cannot cross running bodies of water (ie rivers, perhaps moving through the rain). They have no defenses against being harmed by fire. Garlic is also known to be at least repellent to vampires (in extreme cases, lethally poisonous), and they can be killed by receiving a wooden stake to the heart. And there are some vampires who cannot relocate past the area where they died, unless they bring with them a sample of the earth from the location where they died (or from where they were buried).

In a number of cases, beheading also works to kill a vampire (or, at least, to keep them incapacitated, so long as the head remains separate).

Similar/Related Abilities[]

Confirmed Users[]

  • Count Dracula (Bram Stoker, etc)
  • Dio, Nukesaku, Vanilla Ice, and Straitzo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

