Superpower List Wikia
Zombie Form
Zombie - Pathfinder PFRPG DND D&D d20 fantasy

--Zombie motto

Ability To Have or psychically assume the form of a zombie
Chance/Likelihood Common

Also Known As[]

  • Zombie Mimicry
  • Zombified Form
  • Zombiism/Zombism


This is the ability to have or psychically assume the form of a zombie.

Uses/Applications (Pros)[]

One with this ability could have or psychically assume the form of a dead and decaying version of oneself. In addition, one could withstand pain, as well as the need to sleep, to rest, for a heartbeat/pulse or to breathe. Furthermore, one could defy injury to organs which would otherwise be considered vital, as well as retain mobility in extremities after significant injury (ie amputation). One could also, in some cases, slow, halt or perhaps reverse decay in oneself by consuming living tissue (ie flesh, brains). One could even transmit this supernatural ability by a bite, a scratch or the like, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)[]

Being a Zombie comes with a whole host of drawbacks.

Foremost, the body is dead. Most (if not all) of the senses are dulled--with the possible exception of smell (which may, instead, be heightened). The body is in a constant state of foul-smelling decay, similar to (if not exactly the same as) that of an inanimate corpse.

Aside from this, the function of the mind, as a Zombie, is severely reduced, such that hunger is one of few instincts (if not the only instinct) to remain.

While the body is often able to maintain motion (even despite damage that would otherwise be considered dangerous or perhaps fatal), the body still decays to some degree. The skin may slough off, the muscles atrophy and the body may lose limbs and other extremities. Only in precious few cases can this "falling apart" be mitigated by the consumption of living tissue.

Among the few benefits, in fact, is the ability withstand certain biological threats (ie pathogens, poisons), psychic threats (ie Telepathy, Hypnotism & most--but not all--compulsions), as well as the ability to convert foes, involuntarily, to the same defunct condition by a scratch or bite.

Similar/Related Abilities[]

  • Anatomical Automatism- a notorious trait of zombies, besides being living dead, is that even when their body parts fall off, or are forcibly removed, they can continue to move and function.

Confirmed Users[]

